/BCO-DMO/CMORE/bigrapa/PCPN --date eq 20101125-- Level 1

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#    Discrete samples of PCPN
#    Ocean Microbial Ecology Laboratory
#    Ricardo Letelier
#    2010
#    original file: BIGRAPA_ELEMENTS_Post.xlsx
#    date ingested into BCO-DMO: January 9, 2012
date      lat       lon       sta       cast      
20101125  -21.1775  -76.5726  2         22        
bot       depth     TPN       TPC       C_to_N    activity_and_comments  
23        10        1.27      8.31      6.54      nd                     
21        20        1.05      6.90      6.58      nd                     
19        24        1.15      8.92      7.75      nd                     
17        27        1.09      7.04      6.46      nd                     
15        37        0.88      5.60      6.37      nd                     
13        50        0.12      1.11      9.53      nd                     
11        65        0.35      2.49      7.22      nd                     
9         100       0.21      1.90      8.94      nd                     
7         300       0.11      0.97      8.76      nd                     
5         325       0.58      3.93      6.83      nd                     
3         600       0.08      2.88      35.63     nd                     
1         1000      0.07      1.00      14.06     nd